We used to offer free samples for bloggers and other people who asked for a free sample to review our product. We no longer offer this, because to date, exactly ONE person who offered to do a review actually did so. ONE.
The other bloggers who received product (some highly visible writers on topics of lacto-fermentation) took the free sample, and did not bother to write or publish a review of our product. One other wrote the review – said our product worked great, but did not include any photos of it and left our brand name off of it – as though this made them more ethical than those who simply ignored the obligation.
So we naturally do not trust the motives of any individuals who ask for free product in exchange for a review.
This is our current policy:
Purchase the product. Write the review and email us with the link for the review. Then you may ask us if we will send you a free product pack. IF your blog is good quality, and IF the review is fair (this does not mean it does not list negatives, just that it lists pros and cons fairly), we will be happy to send you a product pack for you to sample an additional product (we don’t supply Fidos for samples).
ALTERNATELY, you may negotiate a free product each month in exchange for placement of an ad for our site (sidebar image ad – ask us, we’ll give you one). We’ll verify the placement, and send you a product for each month that the ad runs (the first month will be sent at the end of the month of placement, and quarterly thereafter to conserve on shipping). We need to review your site prior to placement to verify value.
We also provide some free samples for our wholesale customers to introduce them to new products. The samples are OUR choice, and may or may not accompany every order.
If you are hosting a fermentation class, and wish to order product to include in the purchase price of your class, we will be happy to provide you with a customized digital copy of our Heritage Pickling book (with you listed as a sponsor of the book) which you are free to distribute or print, with customized instruction sheets for our products, and with an Add-On Sample Pack (items of our choice) which will ship with your order of 20 or more Fermenta Locks, Fermenta Lock Bundles, or Fermenta Fidos (orders of more than 5 pieces qualify for quantity discounts). We will also provide you with a group order sheet if you wish (where you can set your own prices for the products), or, if you would rather just refer the students to us, we will provide you with pass along cards with a discount code that you can use as a perk for your students. We will also happily brainstorm with you for ideas on how to contain costs or how to handle excess product after the class.
We would love to be generous, and we would love to share our product with honest and enthusiastic writers and instructors, but due to the poor ethics of many of the more visible people within the lacto-fermentation community, we find that we are not able to afford to do so in any other manner than that stated above.